Morgan City, Louisiana, USA (504) 348-0833
Morgan City, Louisiana, USA (504) 348-0833

Babin Marine LLC


Babin Marine, L.L.C. offers a wide variety of services in the marine industry, oil field industry, and the construction industry.

In the marine sector, we offer chartering, sales, docking, fleeting services, stevedoring, industrial equipment sales, and repairs for boats and barges.

For the oil field sector, our services include inshore support, pipeline installation, platform setups, barge and tug rentals complete with crews, pile driving, and dredging.

Services offered with Babin Marine:

Dockside repair and Topside repair.
Dry cargo barge cleaning.
Fiberglass lift top barge repair.
Fleeting Boats and Barges.
Land Storage and Oilfield Storage.
1800′ of Bulkhead and 12000Sft of Warehouse space.

We also have waterfront storage for boats with shore power and portable water.
Customers have access by both waterway and roadway to vessel/boat storage area.